Nellie tackled the sort of stories that few men would dare to do. Like spending 10 days undercover in a New York City lunatic asylum so that she could then reveal how poorly the patients there were being treated.
Or -- better yet -- how about the time when Ms. Bly wanted to pull a Jules Verne. See if it was indeed possible to go Around the World in 80 Days. So armed with just a single dress, a sturdy overcoat, several changes of underwear and a satchel of money which she kept tied around her neck, Nellie set out from Hoboken, NJ at 9:40 a.m. and then managed to make it all the way 'round our planet -- traveling 24,899 miles mostly by rail & boat -- in just 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 14 seconds around our planet. Besting Phineas Fogg's fictitious record for circumnavigating the entire globe by more than a week.
"So why bring up Nellie Bly now?," you ask. Well, back when Harvey Fierstein was initially tasked with writing the book for Disney "Newsies the Musical," this four-time Tony Award-winner reportedly popped the 1992 movie version into his DVD player and then found that this film lacked a good strong female role.
So Fierstein began doing some research, digging down into the life of newspaper tycoon Pulitzer. And who turns out to be one of Joseph's all-time favorite reporters? Miss Nellie Bly. Given the numerous headlines that this woman generated during the 7+ years she worked as a journalist, Pulitzer was always happy to underwrite yet another one of Ms. Bly's exposes or adventures.
And once Fierstein had fixed this show's narrative by folding in the Katherine Plumber character, it was then up to Disney "Newsies the Musical" director Jeff Calhoun to come up with a female performer who could who could really channel the spirit of Nellie Bly. And that woman turned out to be 27 year-old Kara Lindsay of Rochester, NY.
Mind you, it's kind of fitting that Lindsay wound up making her Broadway debut in a Disney Theatrical production. Given that -- 15 years ago, when Kara was just an 8 year-old girl -- she once wrote in her diary that " ... One day, I want to be Belle on Broadway."
Then there was "Little House on the Prairie, the Musical," which was directed by Francesca Zambello (best known to Disney fans as the opera veteran who helmedthe Broadway musical version of Disney's "The Little Mermaid"" as well as DCA's long-running "Disney's Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular"). On that show, Lindsay played Laura Ingallsto Melissa Gilbert (Yes. THAT Melissa Gilbert. The current ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" performer who -- back in the 1970s -- portrayed Laura Ingalls on NBC's long-running "Little House on the Prairie" TV series)'s Ma.
"Little House on the Prairie, the Musical" started its national tour at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Milburn, NJ in September of 2009. And the rumor was that Ma & Pa Ingalls would eventually bring their brood to Broadway. But that dream faded due to lackluster ticket sales and "Prairie" closed -- ironically enough -- out on the prairie. At Kansas City's Starlight Theatre back in June of 2010, to be precise.
Now having two Broadway-bound show that you were appearing in die out-of-town might have discouraged a lesser performer. But not Kara Lindsay. Who -- just like Nellie Bly -- was feisty. More importantly, the hard work & dedication that she had demonstrated while rehearsing the role of Laura Ingalls had really impressed Mark Hoebee and Patrick Parker, the artistic directors of the Paper Mill Playhouse. Which is why Mark & Patrick told Kara that they'd love to have her come back someday and do another show at Paper Mill.
Lindsay was grateful for the compliment. But she never once thought that Hoebee & Parker were serious. But they were. Which is why -- when Disney Theatrical came to the Paper Mill Playhouse in the Spring of 2011 and said "We'd like to use your theater to mount a regional production of Disney 'Newsies the Musical.' A show that we don't really intend to take to Broadway. We're just doing this so that we'll then have a stage version of 'Newsies' to license." And after Mark & Patrick read Harvey's script, they reportedly told the powers-that-be at Disney Theatrical that " ... we know just the right girl to play Katherine Plumber."
So Kara came in and auditioned. And the next thing she knew, Ms. Lindsay had the female lead in "Newsies." And then came the audience adulation & the overwhelming positive reviews for the Paper Mill Playhouse production of this show. Which was then followed by Disney "Newsies the Musical" 's transfer to Broadway.
So now here's Kara living the dream that she dreamed back when she was eight. She's starring in a Disney musical on Broadway. Though reality often intrudes on Lindsay's Broadway dream in some pretty funny ways.
"Nellie Bly had to make her way in the then all-male world of newspapers. Me? I'm appearing in a show where I'm literally one of the only women in this cast. So I'm working in an all-male world too," Kara remarked during an Opening Night interview with JHM. "But the downside of being in an all-male show like "Newsies the Musical' is that there's only one bathroom backstage here at the Nederlander Theatre for all us performers to use. Which means -- whenever I go in there -- the seat is always up."
Which (I'll admit) sounds slightly gross. As was the case of the flu that Lindsay got just days before Disney "Newsies the Musical" opened on Broadway.
"That was awful. For a day or so there, I really didn't know if I was going to make it. Two shows ago, I had no voice. No voice at all. I was seriously wondering whether someone else was going to have go on and play Katherine for 'Newsies' Opening Night. Which would have broken my heart," Kara recalled. "But then Disney Theatrical sent me to some very good doctors and I'm now taking some very serious medicine like steroids. So I'm here. I made it. I have finally officially made my Broadway debut."
But given how poorly she had been feeling that week, all of the stress that she'd been under lately, Lindsay had almost decided to blow off all of the backstage, behind-the-scenes pageantry that's typically associated with the Opening Night of a new Broadway musical. Just treat that evening like it was another normal performance.
"Can you believe it? Jack found a poster of Nellie Bly," Kara smiled. "It's now hanging up in my dressing room. So that the real-life woman who inspired the creation of my character in 'Newsies' can now inspire me before I go out onstage every night and play Katherine Plumber."
Which (obviously) isn't a headline-grabbing sort of story like "Woman reporter spends 10 Days in insane asylum to expose abuse" and/or "Female journalist beats Phineas Fogg's Around-the-World-in-80-Days record by more than a week." But -- even so -- I can't help but think that Nellie Bly would have enjoyed Kara Lindsay's come-from-behind tale about how she finally made her Broadway debut.
Source: Jim Hill Media
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