Sunday, April 29, 2012

Is Newsies on Broadway Taking You Back?

Flashback to April 1992: It was the year George H.W. Bush was in office and the start of MTV’s The Real World. But more importantly, it was the year Newsies came to the big screen.

I was twelve years old and in the early stages of my obsession with musicals and movies. It feels long enough ago to call them the moving pictures, and DVD’s weren’t even around yet. It was the days of a good old-fashioned VHS tape and a chaperoned trip to the movies with a big group of girls and guys.

Armed with buttery popcorn and Swedish fish, I can recall sinking into the velvet cushion as if it was yesterday and almost immediately singing along to Newsies. Christian Bale became like a God to my girlfriends and me. I had a replica of the poster in my room and the soundtrack in my head, and playing from my stereo on repeat for months.

So, you can imagine the yank on my heartstrings when I heard Newsies was coming to Broadway! I was lucky enough to catch it early, and it held up! The singing, the dancing, the music—it was all there. The only thing is, 20 years later, I had my eyes opened to what this movie meant. With the replacement of technology for distribution of news, I was even more warmed by the actual story. All I can say is, take a girlfriend who just needs some good old-fashioned fun, and you won’t be disappointed—Seize that day!

Source: Glamour

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